It is likely most managing agents and landlords will be aware already, but there are major changes coming into law soon relating to the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations when they will be replaced with the 2022 amended regulations.
From 1 October 2022, it will be law that CO2 alarms must be installed in all rooms used as living accommodation where there is a fixed combustion appliance (e.g. gas heaters) which will now include gas boilers.
Previously gas boilers were not included in the regulations, but that is now changing from the beginning of October. Gas cookers remain exempt from the regulations.
Furthermore, a landlord must ensure faulty smoke alarms and CO2 alarms are replaced or repaired as they as they are informed that they are faulty.
Smoke alarms must been installed on each storey of a rented home which is used as living accommodation.
Where to Install Alarms
The updated regulations do not state the exact position alarms should be installed or how they should be powered (e.g. mains or battery power), but it is recommended CO2 alarms are positioned at head height 1-3 metres from away from a possible source of CO2 such as a gas boiler.
Smoke alarms, as above, are required on every floor used as living accommodation. They should be placed on the ceiling (as smoke rises) and should be in an open space such as a hallway or landing.
Whenever installing alarms, always follow the manufacturers guidelines.
Who Should Test Alarms?
We recently did an article on who is responsible for testing alarms once a tenancy starts, which you can read here. In simple terms though, once moved in, tenants should regularly test the alarms and report any issues to the landlord or managing agent immediately. Tenants should also replace batteries if this is possible when required. If there are issues, report these to the landlord or managing agent straight away so they can be rectified.
Here at Valerien, we offer smoke, CO2 and heat alarm checks in properties to ensure they are working and are installed in the correct. This involves a push button test and checking any expiry dates (if visible).
To get in contact, call 07368 838213 or email info@valerien.co.uk